The Life Science Compute Cluster
The Life Science Compute Cluster (LiSC) is a specialised high-performance computing infrastructure for bioinformatics and computational life science. The main difference to larger, generic computing facilities, such as the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) is the equipment with a rich, flexible and up-to-date bioinformatics software repository and the availability of major biological databases on-site. This installation allows typical users to analyse their data without any software installation, just by using the pre-installed tools and databases.
Organisational units of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna finance the Life Science Compute Cluster:
The Division of Computational Systems Biology (CUBE) operates and administers the LiSC.
No fees for using the Life Science Compute Cluster
The LiSC can so far be used without user fees.
Acknowledgement of the Life Science Compute Cluster
Technical support by LiSC does not result in an authorship on your publications. However, please mention the use of LiSC computational resources and our support in the acknowledgements of your resulting publications: "The computational results of this work have been achieved using the Life Science Compute Cluster (LiSC) of the University of Vienna.". The LiSC is #3587 in the federal research infrastructure database.