Welcome to LiSC - Life Science Compute Cluster
The Life Science Compute Cluster (LiSC) is a high-performance computing infrastructure for bioinformatics and computational life science. It is particularly friendly to life scientists who are not computing specialists. The cluster can be used for data analysis as well as method development and evaluation.
The Life Science Compute Cluster provides research data storage with and without daily backup, interactive nodes, CPU compute nodes, GPU compute nodes, high-memory compute nodes, job scheduling, helpdesk and many other services.
GPU upgrades
We have added three more GPU nodes. These nodes provide one or two A30 pairs, connected with NVLINKs. Each A30 pair offers performant GPU computing and 48GB GPU RAM.
User meeting Oct 9, 2024, 15-16
In our LiSC user meeting on Oct 9, we have introduced new hardware for GPU-computing. We have discussed plans for 2025 and how they will improve computing (interative and queued) using a wide variety of software installations.
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We have replaced the A30 GPUs in the gpu partition by L40s. These GPUs are about twice as fast as the A30 and provide 48G GPU memory. This will e.g. allow larger Alphafold multimer simulations.
User meeting April 2024
In our LiSC user meeting on April 26, we have discussed recent topics. These included the plans for new hardware in 2024 and introduced scientific user support (DASH and BASH).
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